Monday, January 30, 2012

Do Life: Yoga

Via Here
I am one of those people. Ever since my mom drug me to her yoga class with her, I have been a believer in the healing power of yoga. The physical benefits plus taking time to focus on yourself and center your thoughts makes yoga an invaluable stress reliever. It has been one of my main coping tools over this crazy, past year. At the start of each practice we take time to set an intention. Mine is always to find peace, and I always leave class feeling serene. This odd weather has me feeling out of wack and to get back in sync with myself I went to my first actual yoga class in a few months. I had been practicing on my own sporadically, but I missed the energy of the class. It felt so great. However, it didn't feel as great when the elderly woman next to me was so flexible, I looked like the elderly woman next to her. I think she caught me staring jealously at her a few times.

Via Here

Happy (Belated) Birthday Kristen!

Kristen and Brett
My fantastic friend Kristen celebrated her 21st birthday (for the 6th time) this past week! I didn't get to celebrate with her unfortunately; so, I will just have to celebrate extra at all of her upcoming wedding festivities.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Warm Woolen Mittens...

These are a few of my favorite things this week.

A freshly groomed Bailey. 

My "Office". 
{The kitchen island}

She & Him Radio on Pandora
{Especially the above song "Thieves}

"Apple Pie"
Vanilla ice cream with apple & cinnamon oatmeal.

A cup of tea. 
John gifted us some awesome tea from Denver for Christmas. 
It makes these cold dreary afternoons just a little warmer.

Have a fantastic weekend!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Mama Knows Best

Via Here

Well it is happening, I am officially turning into my mom. I have suspected it for a long time. I had established this benchmark that until I hit it, I was safe. Well I hit it.

I have started reusing my Ziploc bags.

In my defense, I put the same food in it over and over (tortilla chips, one serving size per bag). I haven't started rinsing them and leaving them on faucet to air dry. Yet.  However, I suspect this is inevitable. All the years of making fun of her for it and look what has happened to me. I have to admit, she is right. It is environmentally responsible and economical.

I figured I had years left until I would even come close to crossing the Ziploc line, and although I am slightly embarrassed to reuse them, I am very proud to be like my mom. She is an amazing woman, just like her mom. This does leave me with one problem though, if I do it too, does that mean I can't make fun of her for it?

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The Daily Bailey: Dust Bunny

Don't you hate when you walk into a room and notice a huge dust bunny in the corner?

Monday, January 16, 2012

Martin Luther King Jr.

Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day! I can't say I have given this day much thought previously, other than that it was a day off school and that seemed like a reason to celebrate. In honor of a man and a day truly worthy of celebrating, here is a little Monday inspiration.

Via here

"Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that."
-Martin Luther King Jr.,  A Testament of Hope: The Essential Writing and Speeches

Friday, January 13, 2012

Brown Paper Packages...

These are a few of my favy things...

Via Anthropologie

My "What To Eat" Notepad is fun to fill out and helps me get organized for the week before going to the grocery, which in turn helps me stay on budget and not buy random foods we won't eat.


Snowy Rooftops. Well looking at them through a window while warm and cozy inside.

Via Nordstrom

Cozy winter attire for when you actually do have to go outside.

My passport and the friendly customer service lady who helped me figure out how to apply for a name change. So I can daydream about the beaches of Cozumel when I get tried of snowy rooftops.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

The Daily Bailey: Glamour Shots

Photo taken by Stacy Newgent
This picture taken way back during our engagement session, from which we have almost as many pictures of Miss Bailey as we do of us. I think the photographer may have liked her better than us. What can I say, she is pretty.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Tubby Little Cubby All Stuffed With Fluff

Via here

"A bear, however hard he tries, grows tubby without exercise."
-Winnie The Pooh

Monday, January 9, 2012

Do Life: Motivation

Why is it such a challenge to motivate ourselves to exercise? I never regret working out when I am done, so why can it be so hard to start? How come the same workout can be so enjoyable one day, and a struggle the next?

Probably has something to do with the offensive amount of chips and queso I ate this weekend. That little man should know better than to ask if I want more chips, of course I do. I think the better question would be, do I need more chips? That might make me think twice before I drool yes.

After a difficult session today with my personal trainer Jillian Michaels (I have a lot of celebrity friends. In fact, we are so close it is one step away from requiring a restraining order), I needed some workout motivation to remind me why I torture myself. So I googled "workout motivation", naturally.

Well I found some interesting things (shockingly only 19% of the population consistently workouts for 20 minutes at least 3 times a week). Amongst them, I found this hilarious tip. It had me cracking up...

Blackmail yourself

Take a picture of yourself shirtless, holding a sign that shows your e-mail address. Then e-mail it to a trusted but sadistic friend, with the following instructions: "If I don't send you a new picture that shows serious improvement in 12 weeks, post this photo at and send the link to the addresses listed below...." (Include as many e-mail addresses — especially of female acquaintances — as possible.) 

Moral of the story, don't take working out so seriously and have fun with it. If it is hard to motivate yourself, then maybe it won't be your best workout, but at least you're out there doing it. Every little bit counts.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Raindrops on Roses...

These are a few of my favorite things this week.

Clementines. I wish they weren't seasonal.

Raggedy Ann & Andy. Doing laundry is a bit more fun with them. Just a bit.

Dates nights. Can you tell he loves them too?

My water bottle. Keeping my resolution.

Snowmen. Our winter decorations.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Do Life: Oprah Style

"The biggest adventure you can ever take is to live the life of your dreams."
-My good friend Oprah (Winfrey)

via here

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Caught in the Act

Bailey's resolution was to eat less treats, go on more walks, and finally catch a squirrel. Resolution fail.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Hello 2012, Goodbye 2011!

Happy New Year! We are thrilled to welcome 2012 and say peace out to 2011. This past year was great, when we look back on it we see an abundance of blessings. But it is also hard to forget all of the challenges as well: moving, career roadblocks, medical adventures. Each of these have been trying and not so fun, but taught us the major importance of a positive attitude. You can find the good in any situation if you look for it. The support and encouragement of our loved ones was key in finding those blessings and making 2011 a fabulous year.

On that note, I want to share my 2012 resolutions. This is the first year I have actually made resolutions and I am so excited about them, especially number three.

They are on display to remind me of them daily. These resolutions are realistic and are steps to "Do Life".
1) Drink more water.
2) Cook more, dine out less.
3) Take a trip (honeymoon) with Kurt.

I'm super curious to know other people's resolutions and how you plan on keeping them.