Saturday, December 31, 2011

Ready To Party

Happy New Year! 2011 has been a crazy year around here. We are ready to celebrate and move forward. Bailey has her party shirt on, which conveniently doubles as a workout shirt so tomorrow she can get down to business on her New Year's resolutions.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

The Daily Bailey

That big bundle of stuffed Bailey was our Christmas gift from Kurt's Mamaw. She saw it at the store and had to get it for us because it looked just like our dog. I'm surprised she didn't run in the other direction when she saw it since the only time she ever met Bailey it resulted in Bailey knocking her over and her cutting her leg on the end table.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Merry (Belated) Christmas!

I didn't get around to posting Merry Christmas before the actual holiday, but since I am striving to feel the love and joy of Christmas always, here is our Christmas post! Plus, it can be a bit of a let down after Christmas when all of the excitement suddenly ends, so I'm just trying to keep it going a bit longer.

Wes, the family photog, taught me how to use more of my camera's features so I can be a mini paparazzi like him. Sorry in advance to all of you who will be my subjects/victims. Bailey is already tired of it.

Our sweet little tree.

This ornament was a wedding gift and makes me smile every time I see it hanging on our tree.

Homemade gifts are some of the most meaningful gifts to give and receive, so this year I attempted to be more of a Martha (Stewart). I made snow globes for our nieces and gingerbread syrup for all of our family, along with a few other yummy treats. It was delicious, but turns out syrup takes a while to boil and then boom! boils over. Our stove has a few battle wounds.

Hoping you all had the happiest of happy holidays!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Workin' On Her Fitness

I set up my yoga mat and when I came back in the room, Bailey had claimed it.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Baby Steps

Between Kurt and Bailey each getting sick, both of my running buddies are out of commission. With the two of the them leading the fluffy life for a while, I found an alternative to our running schedule. Me and my new friend, Jillian Michaels, have a regular 30 minute date in our living room. I will say it is nice not to go out in the cold, but it doesn't exactly make me feel awesome when I am struggling and she points out that 300 or 400 lbs people can do this, so I should be able to also. However, some of her motivation is a little more inspirational. My favorite is...

"Transformation is not a future event, it is a present activity."

It is really easy to think to myself, tomorrow I will exercise or eat better (as I have a big bowl of Whirley Pop in my lap and am making it a priority to Keep Up With the Kardashians). So I am trying to keep in mind that every little decision adds up to a greater result. Small goals. Baby Steps.

(Clip from the movie "What About Bob")

Monday, December 5, 2011

Study Buddies

Finals are quickly approaching and luckily Bailey makes an awesome study buddy. They divide up the reading and she gives him the cliff notes on her chapters. She just needs to learn how to get through them without falling asleep.