Thursday, June 28, 2012

Ridin' Dirty

I want a bike. I want a bike for Kurt. I want us to ride our bikes places. Together. I want a basket for Bailey. That is probably not realistic and she would hate it, wiggle around, and topple us over. But the rest of the dream is totally realistic. I have wanted us to get bikes ever since we moved, but kept putting it off for two reasons. 1) We don't have a place to store them indoors. 2) I don't know if I want a road bike or a cruiser. Well I do know, I want both. But I can't have both... or can I? Maybe I should get two bikes and Kurt can ride in the basket.

I don't want to spend much on them and Target has some affordable ones online. Aren't they pretty?

Road bike option

Cruiser option

Anyone have some thoughts on the road bike versus cruiser? I don't really plan to ride for exercise, more for places too far to walk, but a rideable distance.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Cherry Limeade Beer-Garita

My mom sent me a recipe for what could be my new favorite summer drink, a Cherry Beer-Garita. I am planning on trying it during all the 4th of July festivities.

12 oz Cherry 7-Up
12 oz Tequila
12 oz Corona
12 oz frozen Minute Made Limeade concentrate

Serve in a mason jar with cherry and lime to garnish.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Weekend Visitors

Kurt was out of town at a bachelor party this weekend, but my mom and Wes came to visit and the three of us went to one of our favorite outdoor dining spots, Captain's Quarters. It is right on the Ohio River and it was so fun to sit near the water and watch the sunset and all of the boats coming and going. Captain's Quarters has a huge outdoor deck and lawn with live music. You can pull your boat up and dock, so we got to see a big variety of boats. Some were really impressive (small yachts and cigarette style boats) and others were funny (like the 4 police on one boat, half of them playing on their cell phones).

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Do Life: New Kicks

In preparation for the Color Run 5K we got new running shoes and they are super fun!

Just a little over a month until it is here!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Kristen's Bridal Shower

Catching up on posting pictures still and I wanted to share some from my fantastic friend Kristen's bridal shower from April. Annie & I hosted the shower with our mom's at her parents beautiful home on the White River. Kristen was a stunning bride and her wedding was so much fun. I will share some pictures from that as soon as I get that camera back (I left it at the reception and Annie & Abby grabbed it for me, such nice friends).

Annie's delicious cookies. She is such a Martha Stewart.

Annie & I.

That gorgeous cake looks too good to eat because
it is actually a plaster cake Annie made a few years ago.

Two of the bridesmaids, Buff & Abby, weren't able to be there 
but their gorgeous mom's attended.

Congratulations Kristen! 

Monday, June 4, 2012

Photo Dump

I have been collecting pictures the last few months, but haven't taken the time to upload them to the computer yet. I finally did it today and here are some pretty images from my Mom & Wes' garden to start your week off on a cheerful note.