Monday, July 23, 2012

Happy Monday

Kurt has a month off from school and it has been so nice having him around to be my stay at home house wifey. He went to Trader Joe's to get a few things the other week and came home with flower for me. Hooray!

Smoothie Experiment

Kurt used to drink smoothies for breakfast most mornings, with frozen fruit, banana, protein powder, milk and yogurt. His kidney condition put a bit of a restriction on his protein intake, and initially the doctor thought it could have been a caused by the protein powder (it was not), so we strayed away from smoothies for a long time. But we're back...sort of. We are having kind of a hard time making our smoothies because we keep breaking our smoothie makers. Kurt had the Shake & Take, which was kind of funny but super convenient. After getting it out of retirement, it was a little out of practice and we had trouble using it the first time, but got it to work. The second time, it broke. So today I got the blender down, but dropped into a pan soaking in the sink. The pan was full of water, and now so is our blender.

So instead we are drinking our Trader Joe's almond milk plain. It's not quite as delicious.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Goodbye June, Hello July!

Going to Sara & Ty's wedding.

Kyle's Birthday.

Captain Kurt.


Busted stealing my seat.

Hiding. She knew she was caught.

June is over and it flew by, but we did lots of fun things. 
A wedding, farmers market, Father's Day, bachelor party (for Kurt), pig roast (Kurt), visitors, etc. 
We kicked July off by spending a few days at the lake and it was so lovely.
 Looking forward to all the fun things in July, especially our nieces' 2nd birthdays and the Color Run. The heat has been a little bit of a challenge training though.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Fourth of July!

The fourth has always been extra special in my family because it is my fabulous mom's birthday! This year she turned 60 and it is definitely an occasion to celebrate. She has been on a mission to be in the best shape yet this year, and man has she done it. This firecracker looks amazing!
Wes is our resident photographer, and as you can see he doesn't cooperate in front of the camera.

We are going to Michigan in August for a big family celebration of her birthday and we are so looking forward to it.